Call for papers: RBM Nr 1/2024
Yearbook of International Security has been published since 2006 primarily once a year and currently half-yearly. Since 2008 it has been on the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Master Journal List and now benefits from the Scientific Journal Support Program.
The concept of a recurring periodical devoted to the various aspects of security (from military security to political, economic security and the security of citizens in the place of their residence) comes from the conviction that this issue should be addressed in a broad debate, i.e., in a social sense. In our country, there's still the conviction inherited from the previous system that security is solely in the sphere of the activities of the state structures, especially formations of uniformed services. This situation is paradoxically convenient for both: the state and citizens. Law enforcement services are not obliged to be open up to social activity, and citizens can cede all responsibility for their security to the state.
The journal is one of the first, on the Polish ground, initiatives aimed to demythologized the title issues. On its pages, a wide circle of authors from Poland as well as from abroad, from people with established scientific position to rookies, can express themselves. We are not running away from disputable and controversial problems. We are discussing current essential issues for our country, presenting experiences of other countries, predicting the future.
Each issue presents scientific research, reviews, reports, and announcements. The Scientific Debuts Department is under the special care of the Council and the Editor-in-Chief. It offers valuable publications of students and Ph.D. program students.
The authors of the texts are Polish and foreign researchers from various academic centers. The documents in congressional languages are preferred. The writers are asked to read the guidelines for authors. The journal is supported by language editors specializing in English text correction.
Editorial board wants to guarantee a high level of the publication. After initial, formal verification, all articles go through the review stage. The texts are sent to the external reviewers cooperating with the editor. A positive evaluation of the reviewers and the editorial board's approval are the requirements for publication the text in the next issue of Yearbook of International Security. The journal introduced the procedure that eliminates „ghostwriting and guest authorship.
Declaration of the original version.
Publisher of Yearbook of International Security (ISNN 1896-8848) informs that since 2012 the original version (reference) has been published in an electronic variant. Until 2011 the basic version was released on paper.
We invite you to publish valuable articles, reviews, scientific announcements, and information. Please send your texts electronically to the editorial office.
The YIS is indexed in folowing reference databases: CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library), CEJSH (Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities), ERIH Plus (European Reference Index for the Humanities Plus), EBSCO, ICI Journal Masters List, BazHum.
Open access.
The journal is published in an open-access model, which means that access to full text is open to all interested parties free of charge, without having to log on to the site. The readers of the journal can download publications, copy them, print and search them, and post links to the full texts of the magazine's releases on their pages. They may also use the documents as long as they don't violate the rules of the publishing license.
The authors of the materials to be published in the journal do not waive copyright in their texts. The author/co-author keeps the copyright and publication rights, but transfers the right of first publication to the journal.
The published documents are available on the license Creative Commons Attribution – Share Alike 4.0 International
Rocznik Bezpieczeństwa Międzynarodowego jest czasopismem ukazującym się od 2006 roku, początkowo jako rocznik, obecnie w cyklu półrocznym. W 2008 roku został włączony do Wykazu Czasopism Punktowanych MNiSW.
RBM utrzymywany jest ze środków Wydawcy oraz z programów wsparcia czasopism Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego.
W okresie 2019-2020 RBM był beneficjentem programu Wsparcia Czasopism Naukowych (nr umowy 46/WCN/2019/1). Rocznik Bezpieczeństwa Międzynarodowego był także beneficjentem programu MEiN „Rozwój czasopism naukowych” (umowa nr RCN/SN/0092/2021/1 ) na lata 2022-2024.
Informujemy, że wartość punktowa dla artykułów publikowanych w Roczniku Bezpieczeństwa Międzynarodowego wynosiła 70 punktów, zgodnie z Komunikatem Ministra Edukacji i Nauki z dnia 17 lipca 2023 r. w sprawie wykazu czasopism naukowych i recenzowanych materiałów z konferencji międzynarodowych oraz komunikatem MEiN z dnia 3 listopada 2023 r.
Zgodnie z Komunikatem Ministra Nauki z dnia 05.01.2024 r. w sprawie wykazu czasopism naukowych i recenzowanych materiałów z konferencji międzynarodowych za artykuł naukowy w Roczniku Bezpieczeństwa Międzynarodowego uzyskuje się 40 pkt.
Do Rocznika Bezpieczeństwa Międzynarodowego przypisane są dyscypliny naukowe:
- nauki o bezpieczeństwie,
- nauki o polityce i administracji,
- stosunki międzynarodowe,
- inżynieria bezpieczeństwa.
RBM jest czasopismem indeksowanym w następujących, w tym międzynarodowych bazach danych: CEEOL, CEJSH, EBSCO, ERIH Plus, Index Copernicus, Biblioteka Nauki.
Zapraszamy do publikowania i współpracy. Czasopismo nie pobiera żadnych opłat od autorów.
PRZESYŁANIE ARTYKUŁÓW DO NR 1/2025 (vol. 19) - termin dostarczenia: 28.02.2025.
Prosimy o wykorzystanie szablonu artykułu znajdującego się na stronie internetowej czasopisma.
Tom 18 Nr 2 (2024)