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Th ere are few other ethical issues which bring about such contention as the abortion question. In European countries, the main controversies arose in the seventies, when abortions laws were liberalised, but the confrontations engendered between opposing views were not particularly vehement. It was a diff erent story in the USA, liberalisation of abortion law met especially aggressive opposition from the already well -established pro -life movement. Th e most visible expression of protest was seen in the emergence of anti -abortion violence, which is a serious social problem to this day. In Poland, abortion became the subject of open debate at the beginning of the nineties, when, following pressure from Catholic groups, the Family planning, protection of the foetus and conditions for termination of pregnancy bill (Ustawa o planowaniu rodziny, ochronie płodu ludzkiego i warunkach dopuszczalności przerywania ciąży) was enacted. Even though the law – colloquially known as the “Anti- -abortion act” – was very restrictive for women, especially compared to the 1956 act, many radical anti -abortionists believed it to be too liberal. However, their real objections followed from the failure of the police to enforce it and the belief that they were neither able nor willing to deal with the rising number of “back -street” abortions. An eff ect of this dissatisfaction was the appearance of anti -abortion extremists in the Polish pro -life movement, whose ideas were, and still are, very similar to those in the USA, where there is no hesitation in the resort to the most radical of weapons, viz. terrorism. Are Polish extremists willing to use the same methods? Th e attempt to answer this question is the purpose of this article. 

Szczegóły artykułu

Jak cytować
Posłuszna, E. ., & Posłuszny, J. . (2019). Ekstremizm anty-aborcyjny. Rocznik Bezpieczeństwa Międzynarodowego, 3, 229–237.