Treść głównego artykułu
Biorąc pod uwagę niestabilność światowego systemu gospodarczego spowodowaną klęskami żywiołowymi, kryzysami finansowymi, pandemiami i konfliktami zbrojnymi, realizacja zrównoważonego rozwoju jako strategii globalnej staje się coraz większym wyzwaniem. Zaostrzenie globalnych problemów stojących przed ludzkością oraz zakrojona na szeroką skalę inwazja Rosji na Ukrainę dodatkowo pogarszają ogólną kwestię bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego. Istnieje potrzeba znalezienia skutecznych sposobów realizacji stosunków międzynarodowych w obecnych warunkach, które gwarantowałyby zrównoważony rozwój i bezpieczeństwo międzynarodowe. W artykule na podstawie przeglądu literatury zbadano teoretyczne i koncepcyjne podstawy dyplomacji zrównoważonego rozwoju. Wykorzystując metodę hipotetyczno-dedukcyjną, autorki testują hipotezę, że dyplomacja zrównoważonego rozwoju może być skutecznym i wydajnym narzędziem do zapewnienia obecnie bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego i zrównoważonego rozwoju. Zgodność dyplomacji zrównoważonego rozwoju z podstawowymi zasadami zrównoważonego rozwoju jest badana poprzez analizę definicji oraz ustalenie, czy polityka zagraniczna państwa ma na celu zrównoważony rozwój i czy jest on osiągany wyłącznie środkami pokojowymi, a także określenie roli dyplomacji zrównoważonego rozwoju w zapewnianiu bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego. Dodatkowo w ramach analizy interdyscyplinarnej i indukcji zbadano związek pomiędzy zrównoważonym rozwojem a bezpieczeństwem międzynarodowym. Dzięki zastosowaniu metody integracji udoskonalono narzędzia regulacyjne dla dyplomacji zrównoważonego rozwoju w kontekście bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego.
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której pełny tekst dostępny jest na stronie internetowej:
- AfricaNews. (2024, February 14). IISS: Global military spending reaches record levels in 2023. AfricaNews.
- Baranovska, V. M. (2012). Rol ekonomichnoi dyplomatii u zovnishnoekonomichnii diialnosti krainy [The role of economic diplomacy in the country’s foreign economic activity]. Ekonomika ta derzhava, 2, 24–26.
- Berridge, G. R. (2022). Diplomacy: Theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Blinc, R., Zidans˘ek, A., & Šlaus, I. (2007). Sustainable development and global security. Energy, 32(6), 883–890.
- Cerami, J., & Young, J. (2011). International relations. Oxford Bibliographies Online project.
- Dyplomatiia. (n.d.). Slovnyk inshomovnykh sliv [Dictionary of foreign language words. Diplomacy].
- Habro, I. V. (2022). Aziatskyi ta Afrykanskyi napriamy ekolohichnoi dyplomatii YeS [Asian and African directions of the EU’s environmental diplomacy]. Yevropeiski istorychni studii [European Historical Studies], 21, 6–17.
- Habro, I. V., & Shevchuk, O. V. (2022). Instrumenty ekolohichnoi dyplomatii YeS [Instruments of the EU environmental diplomacy]. Aktualni problemy polityky, 69, 108–115.
- Henderson, K., & Loreau, M. (2023). A model of sustainable development goals: Challenges and opportunities in promoting human well-being and environmental sustainability. Ecological Modelling, 475, 110164.
- Heurlin, B., & Kristensen, K. S. (2009). International security. In B. Heurlin & K. S. Kristensen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), International Relations (Vol. 2, pp. 172–218). EOLSS.
- Hrushchynska, N. M. (2017). Realizatsiia ekonomichnoi dyplomatii v systemi suchasnykh mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn: potentsial kreatyvnosti ta tradytsiini pidkhody [Realization of economic diplomacy in the system of modern international relations: creativity potential and traditional approaches]. Naukovyi visnyk Dyplomatychnoi akademii Ukrainy [Scientific Bulletin of the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine], 24(3), 86–92.
- Ide, T. (2023). Rise or recede? How climate disasters affect armed conflict intensity. International Security, 47(4), 50–78.
- Jackson-Preece, J. (2011). Security in international relations. University of London.
- Kahn, M. (1995). Sustainable development: The key concepts, issues and implications. Sustainable Development, 3(2), 63–69.
- Kenneth-Divine, P. (2023, June 27). The role of diplomacy in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. InvestmentMonitor.
- Kęsoń, T., & Gromek, P. (2021a). Relations between UN sustainable development goals and societal security. Part 1. Zeszyty Naukowe SGSP, 78, 103–126.
- Kęsoń, T., & Gromek, P. (2021b). Relations between UN sustainable development goals and societal security. Part 2. Zeszyty Naukowe SGSP, 79, 139–166.
- Korolchuk, L. V. (2020). Kontseptualni osnovy teorii staloho rozvytku [Conceptual foundations of the sustainable development theory]. Ekonomichnyi forum, 4, 14–22.
- Korolchuk, L. (2022). The military dimension of sustainable development: A new challenge for modern diplomacy. Ekonomichnyi forum, 1(3), 114–118.
- Korolchuk, L. V. (2023). IT-autsorsynh yak stratehichnyi napriam rozvytku ekonomiky Ukrainy na yii shliakhu do staloho rozvytku [IT outsourcing as a strategic direction of Ukraine’s economy on its way to sustainable development]. Aktualni problemy rozvytku ekonomiky rehionu, 1(19), 87–96.
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- Lazarou, E., & Tothova, L. (2022, June 3). Climate change and international security (PE 729.467). European Parliamentary Research Service.
- Liskovych, M. (2022, April 5). Buduvaty z nulia, abo Yakoiu mozhe buty maibutnia systema hlobalnoi bezpeky [Building from scratch, or What the future system of global security could be like]. Ukrinform.
- MFA Ukraine. (2021). Stratehiia publichnoi dyplomatii Ministerstva zakordonnykh sprav Ukrainy na 2021–2025 roky [Public diplomacy strategy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine for 2021–2025].Стратегії/public-diplomacy-strategy.pdf
- Moomaw, W. R., Bhandary, R. R., & Kuhl, L. (2016). Sustainable development diplomacy: Diagnostics for the negotiation and implementation of sustainable development. Global Policy, 8(1), 73–81.
- Newman, C. (2022, October 25). Key challenges to sustainable development. Future Learn.
- Núñez Villaverde, J. A. (2023, February 23). An escalating arms race will not solve the world’s multidimensional problems. EqualTimes.
- Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. (2009). Human Security in Theory and Practice. Application of the Human Security Concept and the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security. UN Human Security Unit.
- Oxford Reference. (2010). People-to-people diplomacy. In N. J. Young (Ed.), The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace.
- Partiia zelenykh Ukrainy. (2023, September 30). Viina v Ukraini i mizhnarodna bezpeka: pozytsiia PZU [The war in Ukraine and international security: The position of the Green Party of Ukraine]. Partiia zelenykh Ukrainy.
- Pavlikha, N., & Shuliak, A. (2022). Publichna dyplomatiia zadlia bezpeky ctaloho rozvytku [Public diplomacy for the security of sustainable development]. Mizhnarodni vidnosyny, suspilni komunikatsii ta rehionalni studii, 2(13), 173–186.
- Ramos, T. B., & Joanaz de Melo, J. (2005). Environmental management practices in the defence sector: Assessment of the Portuguese military’s environmental profile. Journal of Cleaner Production, 13(12), 1117–1130.
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- Resource and Analysis Center “Society and Environment”. (2021). Zovnishnopolitychnyi vymir ekolohichnoi ta klimatychnoi polityky YeS ta Ukrainy: ohliad ta rekomendatsii dlia Ukrainy [Foreign policy dimension of the EU and Ukraine environmental and climate policies: review and recommendations for Ukraine].
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- Smolyanyuk, V. F. (2018). Mizhnarodna bezpeka [International security]. In I. M. Dzyuba, A. I. Zhukovsky, & M. G. Zheleznyak et al. (Eds.), Entsyklopediia suchasnoi Ukrainy [Encyclopedia of modern Ukraine]. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
- Sova, C., & Zembilci, E. (2023, April 21). Dangerously hungry: The link between food insecurity and conflict. CSIS.
- Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. (2022, April 25). World military expenditure passes $2 trillion for first time.
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- Volchenko, N., Zhmakin, S., Udovenko, R., Soldatkin, S., & Soldatkin, I. (2023). Combating climate change through the international law perspective: The role of the EU in environmental diplomacy. European Energy and Environmental Law Review, 32(5), 257–266.
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AfricaNews. (2024, February 14). IISS: Global military spending reaches record levels in 2023. AfricaNews.
Baranovska, V. M. (2012). Rol ekonomichnoi dyplomatii u zovnishnoekonomichnii diialnosti krainy [The role of economic diplomacy in the country’s foreign economic activity]. Ekonomika ta derzhava, 2, 24–26.
Berridge, G. R. (2022). Diplomacy: Theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan.
Blinc, R., Zidans˘ek, A., & Šlaus, I. (2007). Sustainable development and global security. Energy, 32(6), 883–890.
Cerami, J., & Young, J. (2011). International relations. Oxford Bibliographies Online project.
Dyplomatiia. (n.d.). Slovnyk inshomovnykh sliv [Dictionary of foreign language words. Diplomacy].
Habro, I. V. (2022). Aziatskyi ta Afrykanskyi napriamy ekolohichnoi dyplomatii YeS [Asian and African directions of the EU’s environmental diplomacy]. Yevropeiski istorychni studii [European Historical Studies], 21, 6–17.
Habro, I. V., & Shevchuk, O. V. (2022). Instrumenty ekolohichnoi dyplomatii YeS [Instruments of the EU environmental diplomacy]. Aktualni problemy polityky, 69, 108–115.
Henderson, K., & Loreau, M. (2023). A model of sustainable development goals: Challenges and opportunities in promoting human well-being and environmental sustainability. Ecological Modelling, 475, 110164.
Heurlin, B., & Kristensen, K. S. (2009). International security. In B. Heurlin & K. S. Kristensen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), International Relations (Vol. 2, pp. 172–218). EOLSS.
Hrushchynska, N. M. (2017). Realizatsiia ekonomichnoi dyplomatii v systemi suchasnykh mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn: potentsial kreatyvnosti ta tradytsiini pidkhody [Realization of economic diplomacy in the system of modern international relations: creativity potential and traditional approaches]. Naukovyi visnyk Dyplomatychnoi akademii Ukrainy [Scientific Bulletin of the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine], 24(3), 86–92.
Ide, T. (2023). Rise or recede? How climate disasters affect armed conflict intensity. International Security, 47(4), 50–78.
Jackson-Preece, J. (2011). Security in international relations. University of London.
Kahn, M. (1995). Sustainable development: The key concepts, issues and implications. Sustainable Development, 3(2), 63–69.
Kenneth-Divine, P. (2023, June 27). The role of diplomacy in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. InvestmentMonitor.
Kęsoń, T., & Gromek, P. (2021a). Relations between UN sustainable development goals and societal security. Part 1. Zeszyty Naukowe SGSP, 78, 103–126.
Kęsoń, T., & Gromek, P. (2021b). Relations between UN sustainable development goals and societal security. Part 2. Zeszyty Naukowe SGSP, 79, 139–166.
Korolchuk, L. V. (2020). Kontseptualni osnovy teorii staloho rozvytku [Conceptual foundations of the sustainable development theory]. Ekonomichnyi forum, 4, 14–22.
Korolchuk, L. (2022). The military dimension of sustainable development: A new challenge for modern diplomacy. Ekonomichnyi forum, 1(3), 114–118.
Korolchuk, L. V. (2023). IT-autsorsynh yak stratehichnyi napriam rozvytku ekonomiky Ukrainy na yii shliakhu do staloho rozvytku [IT outsourcing as a strategic direction of Ukraine’s economy on its way to sustainable development]. Aktualni problemy rozvytku ekonomiky rehionu, 1(19), 87–96.
Lazard, O., & Youngs, R. (Eds.). (2021). The EU and climate security: Toward ecological diplomacy. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Lazarou, E., & Tothova, L. (2022, June 3). Climate change and international security (PE 729.467). European Parliamentary Research Service.
Liskovych, M. (2022, April 5). Buduvaty z nulia, abo Yakoiu mozhe buty maibutnia systema hlobalnoi bezpeky [Building from scratch, or What the future system of global security could be like]. Ukrinform.
MFA Ukraine. (2021). Stratehiia publichnoi dyplomatii Ministerstva zakordonnykh sprav Ukrainy na 2021–2025 roky [Public diplomacy strategy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine for 2021–2025].Стратегії/public-diplomacy-strategy.pdf
Moomaw, W. R., Bhandary, R. R., & Kuhl, L. (2016). Sustainable development diplomacy: Diagnostics for the negotiation and implementation of sustainable development. Global Policy, 8(1), 73–81.
Newman, C. (2022, October 25). Key challenges to sustainable development. Future Learn.
Núñez Villaverde, J. A. (2023, February 23). An escalating arms race will not solve the world’s multidimensional problems. EqualTimes.
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. (2009). Human Security in Theory and Practice. Application of the Human Security Concept and the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security. UN Human Security Unit.
Oxford Reference. (2010). People-to-people diplomacy. In N. J. Young (Ed.), The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace.
Partiia zelenykh Ukrainy. (2023, September 30). Viina v Ukraini i mizhnarodna bezpeka: pozytsiia PZU [The war in Ukraine and international security: The position of the Green Party of Ukraine]. Partiia zelenykh Ukrainy.
Pavlikha, N., & Shuliak, A. (2022). Publichna dyplomatiia zadlia bezpeky ctaloho rozvytku [Public diplomacy for the security of sustainable development]. Mizhnarodni vidnosyny, suspilni komunikatsii ta rehionalni studii, 2(13), 173–186.
Ramos, T. B., & Joanaz de Melo, J. (2005). Environmental management practices in the defence sector: Assessment of the Portuguese military’s environmental profile. Journal of Cleaner Production, 13(12), 1117–1130.
RAND. (2024). Global Security.
Resource and Analysis Center “Society and Environment”. (2021). Zovnishnopolitychnyi vymir ekolohichnoi ta klimatychnoi polityky YeS ta Ukrainy: ohliad ta rekomendatsii dlia Ukrainy [Foreign policy dimension of the EU and Ukraine environmental and climate policies: review and recommendations for Ukraine].
Sharov, O. M. (2019). Ekonomichna dyplomatiia: osnovy, problemy ta perspektyvy: monohrafiia [Economic diplomacy: Fundamentals, problems and prospects: a monograph]. NISD.
Smolyanyuk, V. F. (2018). Mizhnarodna bezpeka [International security]. In I. M. Dzyuba, A. I. Zhukovsky, & M. G. Zheleznyak et al. (Eds.), Entsyklopediia suchasnoi Ukrainy [Encyclopedia of modern Ukraine]. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Sova, C., & Zembilci, E. (2023, April 21). Dangerously hungry: The link between food insecurity and conflict. CSIS.
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. (2022, April 25). World military expenditure passes $2 trillion for first time.
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. (2023, April 24). World military expenditure reaches new record high as European spending surges.
Sultan Alshareef (2023, March 13). Sustainability diplomacy – The example of Saudi Arabia. Linkedin.
Ukrainska Pravda. (2023, July 24). Mizhnarodna bezpeka ta hlobalizatsiia: choho navchaiut u Amerikan Yuniversiti Kyiv [International security and globalization: What is taught at the American University of Kyiv].
United Nations. (2015a). Transforming our world: The 2030 agenda for sustainable development (A/RES/70/1).
United Nations. (2015b). The 17 Goals. Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development.
Universidad Europea. (2022, December 7). International security threats – What are the main ones?
Volchenko, N., Zhmakin, S., Udovenko, R., Soldatkin, S., & Soldatkin, I. (2023). Combating climate change through the international law perspective: The role of the EU in environmental diplomacy. European Energy and Environmental Law Review, 32(5), 257–266.
WWF. (2017). Sustainability, stability, security: Why it is vital for global security and stability to tackle climate change and invest in sustainability.
World Economic Forum. (2024, January 10). The Global Risks Report 2024.